Friday, June 1, 2012

#!#Sunpentown IM-101S Portable Ice Maker with LCD with Stainless Steel Body

Some advice if you are thinking of buying one of these:

First, go buy a bag of ice at the store for $2, see how long it lasts,
and ask yourself if you really need an icemaker for $200. That's a lot
of bags of ice, and you still have to pay for electricity and fill it
up and clean it! If you can get by with a $2 bag once or twice a month
for 5 months out of the year, this may not be the product for you!

We decided on this one because it looked like the best one after
looking at the comments of other reviewers. We noted that ice makers
in general have a pretty high breakdown rate, and so for the first
time in my life, I actually bought an extended warranty that all
consumer magazines tell you are a waste of money. We'll see.

If you buy it, while it's on its way, go buy a quart size container of
vinegar. The plastic smell this thing generates when you first get it
is pretty strong. That's just the smell AROUND the unit when it's on,
I didn't even bother tasting the ice.

Product Features
Make up to 35-Pounds of ice cubes per day
Produces approx. 12 ice cubes in less than 10 minutes
Makes 3 different ice cube sizes
High efficiency CFC-free compressor
1.2 Gallon water reservoir

Tags : Portable Ice Machine

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